More Information

Trevor Green receiving an award for
Long Service as a volunteer.
Irene being awarded with an Elderly Volunteer award,
an award for volunteers over the age of 65.

Fund raising events

Throughout the year, at various different venues, we advertise ourselves and raise funds to cover various costs.

Donations for 2024

Our grateful thanks for your continued support.

Acton Parish Council
Bures Music Festival
Layham Group
Mr Bird
Mrs Gore
Mrs Holmes
Mrs Jarvis
Mrs Mulvaney
The Georgian Club
Various participants at a charity yoga event

Your donations
Donations are always most welcome.
Send a cheque payable to “Sudbury Newstalk” to J Chambers, 7 Cann Close, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 1YA.   Many thanks!

Our fortnightly audio newspaper

We record a fortnightly audio Newspaper featuring news, articles, reports, letters and stories taken from the Suffolk Free Press, EADT/Mercury and other local publications. Our recordings are duplicated to USB memory sticks, here in Sudbury, placed in wallets and then sent out to our listeners free by Royal Mail. Our listeners insert their USB stick into a compact audio player for instant clear listening. All new members of our service receive personal instruction on how to operate the play-back.

Some useful links

Our bi-monthly magazine

We create a Magazine every two months. This is produced by a separate recording team who write and present their own material of about five minutes duration. An overall theme is constantly changing with each edition by the team producer reflecting interesting, topical and often amusing articles. It also contains a simple quiz, and a talk from a person of interest in the area. It provides a good hour or so of informative and pleasurable listening.

Some useful contact details

  • Free Telephone Directory Access – tel.: 0800 587 0195
    Call free to register your disability.